Lawrence University Posted on June 1st, 2011 by

The most recent addition to the science building at Lawrence UniversitySteitz Science Hall

Julie Bartley, Scott Bur, and Jeff Dahlseid visited Lawrence University on Thursday, May 26.  Lawrence’s 72,000-square foot Steitz Science Hall may be the best example example we’ve seen of our assumptions to add and renovate.  Programming happened in the early 90s, and the building was dedicated in 2000, with renovation of Youngchild Hall completed a couple of years later.  Together, these two buildings, joined by the atrium, constitute Science Hall.


Lawrence used Ellenzweig Associates, Inc., of Cambridge, Massachusetts, for this project. Together with the faculty, they were one of the groups that helped define best practices when PKAL was beginning to collect examples of “what works” in facilities planning/construction. Some of the big challenges for this project included blending the “old” space with the new space, given the difference in floor-to-floor heights.  This will also be a challenge for us.

Here is a link to the photo gallery of our visit.


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